Viva La Dirt League – FPS Logic Series
In June of 2020 members of the MRS participated in the Filming of the FPS Logic series for a local Skit group Viva La Dirt League.
Viva La Dirt League make video skits based around video game and have a huge online following,
Their aim was to produce a series of video skits based around first person shooters and with a WW2 theme,
MRS was able to supply them with Vehicles, extras, uniforms, props and firearms, our members also acted as Theatrical Armorer, set dressers and helped with dressing the extras, we had a great time and it was a good experience for guys to see the behind the scenes of a production.
Members or our Brit Para, German and American units appear on screen and did a great job of representing
the club.
We are please with the end results and hope to have the opportunity to participate in future projects.
Check out their Facebook and Youtube channels
You can see a gallery of images from the film shoot on our Facebook page
The full series is now online and available on Youtube and Facebook, see below for links to all the episodes on Youtube.